Sunday, July 24, 2011


Signs were made to keep us out of harms way, they are used to communicate, to send messages, basically a sign says something to the reader, and so ignoring signs can be deleterious. What I am trying to say is that if you come upon a sign and it says something like, "Beware of Dog", it should be taken seriously. Beware of dog says, basically that you should, beware of dog. Now if you see a sign that says beware of dog in front of a gate and right next to that sign you read another sign that says, no trasspassing, well, pretty much you should not cross that boundry. Perhaps I am giving the average Joe too much credit in thinking that they could take that message and interpret it as what it is, do not go through this gate because you will be considered as trasspassing and there might be a dog guarding his territory and you should beware of him. Now lets just say that you read the signs, and you did not understand the underlying message, to not cross that boundry because you are trasspassing and there is a mean dog that might bite your ass, maybe you are so dense that you just don't get it or maybe you just don't care and you feel signs were made to be ignored, then let me just say that as you come through that gate with those ominous messages that you chose to ignore or misinterpret, when you see that salivating dog running towards you, retreat! do not think for one minute you are the dog whisperer and you will bring this dog to submission with a whistle and jerk of the leash, because you won't. Well now you have done it, you put your hand down in front of his mouth to further ire him and he bites you, be a big boy/girl and do not run to the ER and cry about it. Can you read this sign? "STUPID".

Addendum: This message is being written on March 13, 2012 at 1219 a.m.
regarding the post above, well eventually 3 stupid people got bitten because they ignored our signs and proceeded to cross that boundry and so because of that my dog was considered a "vicious dog" in the community of Astoria, Oregon. I got a ticket and was told that if I wanted to contest it I had to go to court or my dog would be taken into custody and put down, after all he is vicious and you just can't go about letting your vicicous dog protect your home. My husband, Tim (with the highly OCD temper) took it upon himself to get witnesses and show up in court ( I had to work, or I would have been there to show my support). I guess it was quite a trial, the witnesses which included a dog catcher, a street cleaner and a friend of ours, were great as they told stories of this wonderful, loving dog that could not be in any way vicious against the police that ticketed me and their stories of a loose vicious dog violating all the rules and regulations in the neighborhood. But due to the emergency visits of these three victims the law had to get involved. In the end my dog was saved as the judge decided that the bites were probably not due to agressive behavior on the part of the dog, but appropriate reactions to people coming into my property.
I imagined that he would be convicted and he would go to doggy jail or in his case the electric chair and that would have been tragic all because of some real stupid people, what can I say? respect what you read especially when it is on a fence and there is a barking dog behind it!!!!