Tuesday, November 30, 2010

family x-mas portrait?

This is a very important image, because it consists of 5 adults and 4 species of animals, 5 if you include the humans involved. I have always considered myself a good photographer but I would never consider doing it professionally, simply because I do not like to take posed pictures. I am moody and like to take unique pictures, but a friend asked me to take a family picture of with her animals for a Christmas card, I was reluctant at first simply because I do not really have professional equipment and because I really can't get into it when I have to rely on posing but, I agreed and this is the end result it looks simple but this picture is a miracle. I had it in my mind that I was going to take a family picture, you know,husband, wife a horse and a dog, but when they picked me up and I shared the back seat with a cat, a rabbit and a very phsycotic little dog; I was quickly thinking how, in the world was I going to get them all to sit still for even 1 nanosecond to take get a respecting family picture worthy of representing the Christmas spirit? I started to sweat which led to hypothermic conditions; not fun. We got to the farm where the horse was housed, and I met my friend's daughter, son, son in-law, and two other dogs, I immidiately felt the tell-tale signs of stress creeping upon my body. It was a freezing cold and over-cast day, the surroundings were beautiful but the situation was MAD! (all the names have been changed to protect the innocent). All at once I was amidst pure chaos. I walked around taking random pictures hoping that I might, in the end be able to piece something together that resembled a Christmas card. Each individual animal had its own personality, to say the least, my favorite was the beagle, because she/he was quiet, cooperative and lay-back. The rabbit said little but I am not sure that rabbits utter any sort of sounds so I do not know if this was personality or just plain, the way it is. He/she seemed mellow and introspective as if to say (what the hell?). The cat a beautiful and very fat cat with the biggest blue eyes was in a quandary, he uttered these deep guttural meowing sounds and appropriately clawed into his master's shoulder, so as to say (what the hell?). Dog number one, a small headed, big bodied Chiguagua-mix was the equivalent of someone on methenphetamines, coffee and a large energy drink; he/she was in a frenzy of energy and ugly. She was always in motion, barking her shrill bark with her body moving in every direction and her eyes protruding with each bark. Dog number two was the beagle I mentioned earlier, calm, cooperative and so happy about wearing antlers (seriously, like that is a whole other animal, what the hell?) but she took it well. The third dog, a puppy, black lab (I think), was doing what puppies do, jump, yelp, and basically flutter with joy and energy; she/he posed a big challenge because I could not see where I was going to get it to sit for even one nanosecond at the same time the others would sit still. The horse was full of energy, he/she wanted to go out and trot and eat hay and maybe even whinny, but no, hell no, "I am going to wear a Santa hat, and pose with all these other animals and maybe even be expected to smile" (not enough carrots in the world for this, what the hell?). I have to reiterate, that it was freezing, and all the humans were wearing white thin shirts, a Santa hat and slacks and nothing else. I have to say that aside from the incredible experience, and comedy of events, the matriarch my friend in charge of this ordeal, had tenacity shown by her untiring event of trying to keep hats and antlers on all the creatures; including her family and by keeping her vicious unpredictable tea cup size Chiguagua, from biting the other animals (it did not work, somewhere between shoots she/he managed to grab the horses lip with her little needle sharp teeth and tear a piece of horse lip off). I took several pictures that with her permission I will post on face book, because they do tell the story of chaos and perseverance. I am one damn good photographer and feel lucky to have had this crazy holiday experience; thank you Jane (not her real name). Will I do this again, I will make sure to ask what type of creatures are involved next time. Merry Christmas! (no animals were hurt in the taking of this picture, well, ok, the horse was but not by me).

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