Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Yes its me!
hiding behind this beautiful mask I felt like I could go out and commit some crime and never be discovered; I did not do that but I felt like it.
I visited my sisters and mom in December; I had a great time.
The flight up there was awful, first getting through the airport's red tape was a thrill as I had bunched up pants in my socks because I had been wearing boots and when they scanned me with their won, I was beeping all over the place. They had to call a female security guard to pat me down, yes folks because I might be hiding and ilicit explosion device in my socks, it took forever as it was very busy for lady security officers on that day. Finally after the pat down they found that the pants bunched up in my socks appeared in the cameras as a hidden package, seriously folks!!!
Once in the plane I settled in quite nice and turned off all my gadgets and off we flew into the friendly skies. I pulled out the "how to evacuate the plane" instruction book from behind the seat in front of me, because I always like to be prepared to exit a burning or spiriling-down plane. I was a little stressed that I was not sitting in the seat that had the emergency exits, I always imagine myself holding my composure as all the other passengers are panicing as they push forward and trample each other trying to get out. I could see me standing there directing traffic in a calm and authoritative voice, offering my wisdom and comforting passengers with the thought that I am a trained professional and might be able to save their lives in the event they find themselves victims of some blunt force trauma or an impaled object. I was not to far from emergency exit so I just decided to relax and read on about the floating cushions and how to use them. I also made sure that there was a little compartment above me with my oxygen mask and immidiately started to assess those around me that might come in handy should this emergency exit be needed. I was in a sort of trance thinking about all this when before I realized it was time for a snack, I was a little hungry and this a good thing because a "little" or maybe a better word would be "miniscule" bag of peanuts was handed to me, it was cute, sort of like for a Barbie doll, along with water or a very expensive shot of alcohol; I chose the water to water down my peanut, and was happy to get back to my thoughts because it seemed that due to the weather, high winds over the L.A. skies, and the rocking and rolling plane, we might be needing an escape route, the question now was, will I be needing my floaty?
I started to think that to hell with escaping and remaining calm for the other passengers, it was time to pray and say a silent good-bye to all that I knew as my life to this point. The plane was jarred up and down and sideways the whole way to California, and I was thinking that if it went down, there was no way we were going to need any sort of escape route!
I made it safe and sound, when the plane landed it hit so hard that it felt like it was going to break into a million pieces, but I was safe. I took my bags and got the hell out of that toy plane and was stressing over having to come home in a week! Friendly skies, my ass!

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