Saturday, June 6, 2009

copy and paste

I pasted the blogs that were in my other site, the one I cannot get into, I only had two.
I needed to do this because these tow blogs are part of my diary that I am starting, on-line. I figure it makes for interesting conversation. I hope to someday write a book, so I am hoping that jotting down my thoughts might be of help. I am not sure what type of book I want to write but that is what I am hoping will come to me by jotting down stuff. I do not have a very interesting life to speak of but I have super weird thoughts. Like for example I am in a class that is discussing transformations in organizations and so far while I read all the students experiences, I am discovering that there is very little thought and consideration that goes into large scale transformations. I work in a hospital and it is clear that many changes that take place are made by someone or many someones, that are clueless. Enough said about that it only riles me. I especially want to blog so that by children can get to know me better. I miss them and looking back I really messed up in not spending more time with them. My two sons are going to Thailand, they are leaving tomorrow, so exciting but scary. I hate when they are out of reach, sort of speak. I can't just get in the car and go to them if they needed me, so I feel like I will be out of touch. My oldest son when to Thailand when the big Zunami hit 5 years ago, that was scary and for a while I was not sure if he was alive, believe me, not a good feeling. My daughter lives in Canada and I can't visit her because I lost my naturalization papers and can't get a pass a port. That brings me to a different subject so dear to my heart, NOT!

I had to send money to the department of Home Land Security. They got a big check and my pictures so that they can restore my lost papers. I get a letter telling me they got my request and that they cashed my check, but that this letter is no way a promise that it will be done in a timely manner. I know with our technology that they can push a button after putting in my social security number and find that I am a citizen, I am a nurse, and I have never committed any crimes, well any felonies. I have been known while in one of my out of the way hikes, to pee to close to a body of water, so I guess that is a crime, but not one that home land security has to worry about. I know that all they have to do is print me up a new record to prove that I am a legal citizen and that I am not a bomb-making terrorist. I know this, I sent them 380.00 dollars for their time and paper they might generate. I know they can and I know they know I am not a dangerous terrorist subject to deep investigative procedures, hello! I work in a hospital and I take care of patients in the emergency room. Why then do they have to sit on my request, it is not because there are so many that they do not have staff to open up the mail; remember they cashed my check and sent me a letter, that is in my opinion a waste of paper and time right there. They could just as easily gotten into my records and pulled out a copy of my papers. I am not sure what they gain from making me wait. I became a citizen 20 years ago, I inevitably was going to loose my papers, after all, I moved 10 times since then. I figure they plan it this way, they figure most people loose important papers, and they stand to make some money. They also figure you should be punished for your irresponsible behavior. So here I wait and in the mean time I can't visit my daughter, I can't change my name to my new married name but I have to pay taxes, and my bills, and I am expected not to pee near a body of water, well I will pay my taxes, and my bills reluctantly since I am officially not a citizen, but I will continue to pee near a body of water, it is my right as a non-citizen.

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