Saturday, June 6, 2009


I am Marta Parker, Tim and I share our cozy home with 3 dogs, 3 cats, and a frog. The dogs are Parker, a border collie, smart, and good-looking and very annoying. If he were human I would say he would be an obnoxious teenager always pulling jokes and speaking out of turn. Santana is a Rat Russell, she is older, extremely smart and if she were human she would be a lady, those type of ladies that are very persniquity (hmmm, not sure about the spelling here) anyway, I imagine she would wear heels, not curse and have a bit of snooty attitude. Cowboy is a Jack Russell, wired hair, very handsome, as a human he would be an underwear model, he is proud, and mischivious, does not play with the other dogs, he is too different. The cats are siblings very sweet, there is Mona Lisa, she is orange and grey. Rusty Tin Canny, alias, big fat yellow cat, so handsome and loving then there is Pearl, very skittish, always scared. Froggy belonged to tim's son Dylon, once upon a time but became ours and has been with us since I met Tim 10 years ago. She is an African water frog and is suppose to be dead but has miraculously survived passed her time. So much for that.

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