Monday, May 17, 2010

express line!

I was driving to work, on time, in fact I have to say that I was early because I am always early to work and today I wanted to stop at the super market for some fruit, yogurt and some coffee, yea you know, a latte plain and simple. I had plenty of time so I walked around the store for a while, picked out my items; 3 to be exact then realized that it was getting a little late and should probably check out and get to work; early! I went to the "express line," line, only two people in front of me, and surprisingly they both had less than 10 items. Now, to me, the assumption is that the reason for this line is to create a speedy line for those with a few items and maybe even for those that just want to get out in hurry; I mean, who wants to stand in line with a carton of milk, behind someone that is doing their monthly grocery shopping, right? It turns out that "The express line", can me badly misinterpreted, or maybe just ignored because It took me 45 minutes to get through the line and I was not early to work, I was not even on time. The first in the line was an elderly man with a check book, he had an elderly way of moving, yep! hmmm! that is all I am going to say about him, I feel my blood pressure rising as I write these words, B-R-E-A-T-H! OK, so that took a little over 15 minutes but since I was early; no problem. The next lady in line had several coupons, to the wrong items, so they had to, overhead page help to come and get this nice lady the right items that the coupons were for the 80z box not the 12 oz box etc, I stood there trying to decided if I should change lines, but I had invested much time in this line, and the other lines did not look much faster so I committed and stayed. I was feeling the pressure; I was getting into the "I might be late", zone. I finally got out of there with 4 minutes left to drive 15 miles, did I mention I was a slow driver? So what exactly does it mean when they say "express line?" It means, no checks, no coupons, and this is not the get acquainted meet my family, line, people! Some us just want less than ten items and we want to get the hell out of there. Some of us have jobs so please move along and get out of our way.

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