Friday, May 21, 2010


I just started a new class on finance, not so happy, too many terms that make no sense, account payable, account receivable, assets, goodwill, tangible and intangible, owners equity, partners equity, liabilities OMG!

I should have stuck with pursuing ballett!
I wanted to be a ballerina and istead I got into nursing, what up? where is the connection there? It all started when I opened a medical book that belonged to my neighbor, I fell in love with the stethescope, and body parts, and veins and those pictures of muscles and bones, ahhhh!

I then decided to pursue other degrees, BSN, MSN, MHA, LNC alphabet soup has never been so life consuming and difficult. I think that if I make it through finance It should all be down hill from there.

I need to just focus on a balance sheet I am sure that somewhere in there it will all make sense.

I am looking out my attic window and I see one little boat speeding on by, wonder where he is going, what type of people are on board? hmmm!

I go to work tonight, not so happy, since I hate my job, but I guess at least I have a job; somehow that is not so comforting. I am just not in the mood for dealing with the infirm. I rather sit and study so I can get through this course. I think I have been in front of this computer way too long, I am starting to not make any sense.

Addendum: Written on March 12, 2012 at 1:14 am, so I thought that finance was going to be the hardest class, well how wrong can a person be?, very!
The last academic class I had to take for my Masters degree was a class in which I was to write a research utilization proposal, to add to the drama you had to get a B or better to pass and you could not take it over if you did not pass. I have gotten pretty good grades, many As and Bs, so I would not have even thought about getting a least a B, it it were not for the threat that I had to pass or I was going to fail the whole program. Now let me tell you that I really did not appreciate having this threat looming over me, you are talking about many, many hours of research and computer reports and stress over limited time to finish homework and many wasted days without your family, friends, pets and many days when you missed fun activites because you were too busy slaving over your homework, now you are going to tell me that it could all have been in vain? oh hell no!!!!!
The stress was truly insurmountable, it rendered me in a state of "coo coo". I had nightmares, I had palpitations, the class was interesting but difficult and all consuming, yes I endured 6 weeks of pure hell!!!!
I just did not know how to function without constant worry about this ridiculous class!
I passed with a B+, but I was sick the whole time and developed these headaches and neck pains from the stress.

Now I have a single project to turn in that I started months ago, and I will be done with school forever. I never want this experience again! we shall see about that!

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