Tuesday, June 29, 2010


There is sunshine today, it comes and goes but when it its out it stays for a long while. I am caught up with my homework so I think I am going to town. I want to go to that bookstore in the middle of town, it is very cozy, they usually have some nice tunes, they serve coffee and other stuff so it smells really good. You get the feeling that you are in someone's cozy kitchen when you are in there. I love books anyway, the smell of them the way they feel, I like reading a chapter or two of an interesting title and traveling to the particular place the story takes me; I can get so lost in there. I do believe that is what I want to do today, get lost in the words of some great author, take in the aroma of the delicious coffee and listen to strangers conversations as they talk about their day, hmmm! that sounds inviting.

I got a call from Legacy Emmanuel, yesterday, it sounds like I might get an interview for the "trauma coordinator" job that I applied for, I think it would be good for me to move down there while I work and visit my home in Astoria a couple days a week, I am getting that itch to move on. Tim does not want to go to the city, no problem, I really do not want to move anyway, but I need some new things to do. I think in the city, I can learn the bus system and travel around, visit some new restaurants, new stores, go to a concert, etc. I do not know why I have this need to move around, I would love to say that I love staying home, and I really do enjoy my home, but I get this crazy itch to move and I feel restless until I do it, so here I go. I have been waiting for the right job, not in a real big hurry because I still have a year in school, but I am bored stiff with my job now; I hate that feeling. I love to work, so if I do not enjoy my work, that is not a good thing. OK, I guess I better go out and take advantage of this little bit of sunshine before it hides back in the angry clouds that are looming in the horizon. It does not look warm out there, however, so I better get me all dressed up in my summer/winter stuff.
I took this picture in my favorite place, Garibaldi. I love boats, they are so serene and beautiful to look at.

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