Wednesday, June 30, 2010

hot sun

yesterday I had a fabulous day, I went for a walk in town, it was warm most of the time with an occasional game of peek-a-boo between the sun and the clouds. I had intended to get a cup of latte and spend time in the book store, but as usual my plans were foiled and instead I ended up walking along the river walk stopping in several areas to look out at the small boats with very small fishermen. I stood next to a couple that seemed to be in the midst of a romantic interlude, I wanted to see how long it would take them to find a different place for their romantic moves, so mean. They finally left and I had this whole area to myself so I sat on a bench and just soaked in all the sun I could. Tim called me and he suggested we meet for lunch, always a nice invite, so we were to meet at the Maritime Memorial. It was still early when I got there so I read some of the messages on the memorial wall and wondered about the lives these dead souls might have had. I went to a concrete bench and lied down on my back, I passed out for 3o minutes, so strange to wake up and not have a clue where you are. Tim and I met at the Traingle bar for a couple of cold brewskies, nice. We later went to Washington to get Oysters for his boss, that ride is so serene and beautiful. It was a terrific day all in all. Today I stayed in bed and just relaxed for several hours, then I got this sudden energy and felt like going on a hike; we ended up in Knappa, and hiked the trail at the hatchery. It is a beautiful trail, a round trip of 5 miles; soo muggy and warm. We actually were not really prepared for the hike, I was not wearing the proper shoes, my feet hurt as a result. We did have fun. I love to hike. I tried to download the pictures onto my computer but I am having trouble doing it, so I have to try again tomorrow becaue I am just not having much patience tonight. I am tired and am ready for bed. Tomorrow is my birthday, so wierd. I will be at work, so I will celebrate some other day when I am in a better birthday mood. I hate have ugly moods, but sometimes I just do.

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