Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Are there stupid questions?

Yes there are, I am so sick of well-doers telling people that there are no stupid questions, because there are and they are time consuming, distracting and frustrating for those of us that know the answers. Yea, OK here is an example of a SQ, I give a patient a gown as I put him/her in a room, the complaint is a rash on the chest, stupid question? "do I put this on?", really? I want to say something along the lines of: no, I just gave it to you in case you want to play dress up..., no, what would make you think that?..., no, let the doctor undress, I just hand out gowns as door prizes, its yours take it home...Seriously! Yes I am cynical but how can that be preventable? stop asking stupid questions! That is all I have to say on this subject.
This is a picture of my new haircut, not too good but you can tell that it is pretty short...who cares? yea no S____!
Again I sit in front of my computer doing home work and try to figure out how it is that any school of higher education, can think that anyone person has time for so much reading, research, and homework? I work full-time, and perform other daily tasks on my activities of daily living (ADLs). I have to sleep, eat, entertain myself (and that in itself includes a myriad of things), tend to my animals, my SO, and my home. I have to do certain chores and go to the dentist,(I have an appointment today which will take approximately 2 hours between getting there, being there and getting back). Today the one of the community bars has beer for two dollars, all day, I have to go for at least 2 hours, and that will render me incapable of doing much else. What I am saying, is that we need to cut down on these school requirements!

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