Saturday, July 3, 2010

pink pills, blue pills, round pills.......

OK folks out there in the world, please be proactive and learn the names of the pills you take; at the very least write them down on a piece of paper and don't leave home with out it. I do not know the names of all the type of medications, out there; no, it does not help if you describe it or tell me what you are taking it for. I realize that the names of medication are comparable to the names of dinosaurs, regardless it is your responsibility to have a list for your caretaker when you come see us. It is mandatory for us to have a list on your chart every single time you come to see us and it is mandatory that we updated each and every time; but we can't do that if you do not give us that information. We should be able to read minds; that would be so nice, but we do not, we also should have a vat for a bladder and 8 arms, but we don't. Why is it so important to have that list, well, many of your medications do not mix, or contradict other medications we might want to give you, we might even put your life in danger if we mix the wrong ones, that should be enough motivation for you to take responsibility over your own health. This message is for you guys out there, old and young, your significant other is not your mother, be responsible for your own medications. If I am talking to those of you that depend on your mother to know the answer to that nagging little question, what medications do you take if any?, unless you are 10 and under, get a grip, you are pathetic. Now I speak to the females, wives, or mothers, stop enabling your men/children; it is sad. There is a point when we are old enough to wipe our own ass, so why can't we be responsible for our health? think about It. And this message is for the scientist, pharmacist, or whom ever is responsible for making up those ridiculously long and difficult names for medications, really? is there some competition out there to see who comes up with the stupidest, longest and most ridiculous names for those little green pills? and if you must, then why two names? Do you really enjoy the fact that nurses and doctors have to spend a (ginormous) amount of time looking up these names to see if they are the same medication? Give us a break, do you know how long it takes us to help a 90 year old patient to the bathroom? what I am saying here, is that we have better things to do with our time then to figure out if cyclobenzapine is the same as flexeril, is it generic? OK, I think I have made my point.
This picture is taken on the Columbia River from the Rogue Brewery, so frickin fabulous!

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