Wednesday, July 28, 2010


I am feeling the pressure, I have a big final to take on Friday, but I work Thursday night and then again Friday morning........
I have started my practicum class yesterday and I really feel a challange coming on. I still do not have mentor that is required from this class and I still do not know how I am going to approach this project............!!!! I have to get a B, to Pass this class, I am so nauseaus.........(I don't think that is a word) but I know it is a feeling at the pit of my stomach that promises to deliver all contents out into the world! yuk!
So this picture was taken on my way to the Rogue bar, it was a wonderful summer day with the sunshine bright and warm, and a cool breeze in the air.........Looking at this picture helps with some of the pent up anxiety I am feeling........Off to work.........!

Monday, July 26, 2010

The G-spot! is it real? where is it located?............

That's right folks, is this so called G spot like the
abominable snowman? just a mythical creature? According to Wikipedia and you know how reliable Wiki is, the G spot was coined by Addiego et al. in 1981,[14] after the German gynecologist Ernst Gräfenberg,[15] even given his study was dedicated to urethral stimulation and not internal vaginal wall stimulation. Wiki also states that stimulation of the G spot gives women even better orgasms then stimulating the! is that possible?
The only problem is that there seems to be some controversy over where this G spot is like the abominable snowman, the G spot remains a mythical creature running rampant, in this case, somewhere within a woman's body. I do know that women are always in search of this creature, I mean, after all, stimulation of this spot can give you intense orgasms, then surely we must find it. Good news to all women, there is a vibrator called the G spot vibrator that claims it will stimulate the G spot due to the way it is made.....really! I think it is fair to say that any place on your body that you stimulate with a vibrator is going to bring intense amount of pleasure...However I did purchase one of these vibrators, all in the name of research, and true that! I have received much pleasure using it but I have to say that it was not the instrument that helped me find the "G Spot", in fact it was a simple drive up the Coast that was my guide to this delicious spot. I think that I can say with great certainty that I have found it! yea, noway am I going to share where I found it but I will show you the picture as prove that it exists and it is not just a mythical creature.....And yes orgasms are more intense when this G spot is stimulated! Good luck to all of you searching, don't give up! it is worth the search.
This picture was taken, oooops! I almost spilled the beans!

Crab Linguini........

Today for lunch I had crab linguine from Astoria's Uniontown custom catering and Deli....
OK this was not linguine with the essence of crab, or with microscopic fibers of crab or trust me, there is crab in there...No sirree, this was linguine with huge chunks of the most delicious crab on this earth......Go Debbie......!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I worked the last 3 days and I have to say it was pure hell! The good thing is that I actually saw sick people as oppose to the usual circus crowd that come in for inane emergent reasons...

Today I am just in a real blah, mood. I am starting to wonder what I am going to do with myself when I am done with school, obviously I am hoping to change jobs, I am actually trying to do that now but for some reason it is just not happening..............ok..........I am sighing.......I have a big test I have to do and I just don't feel like it........but I have too because then I will only have two more units and I will be done with this legal class, yippee!

I know I said I would not ever take another class while I am still in school for my Masters, but here I go again...I am scared of being too bored.......sooooo I am going to sign up for a "coding class", what the hell is that? well a class to learn how to code diagnoses as is required by law in order for doctors to get paid by Medicare and Medicaid. This is something good to know for my future goals as a manger........But first I have to pay the 2 thousand dollars I owe the University of Kaplan, that will take a few months.

I am so having a hard time staying focused today.........I am hungry for a intelligent conversation with someone.......instead I think I will take my test then go for a long walk to see Tim and have lunch........That sounds fabulous! good by!
The picture was taken on my hike at the hatchery, it is a picture of a fox glove plant, which by the way is poisonous! These plants were used by herbalists for medicinal purposes such as to regulate and strengthen the heart.
According to the University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension, "The name foxglove is from the old English name "foxes glofa." It comes from an old myth that foxes must have used the flowers to magically sheath their paws as they stealthily made their nocturnal raids into the poultry yards of rural folk. The association is natural for the foxgloves grew on the wooded hillside slopes that foxes chose for their dens."
ER Story: I once took care of two kids that ate the "nectar" as they put it, of these plants. They had to have blood tests and spend several hours hooked up to the cardiac monitor as well as eat ice cream with charcoal to make sure they were going to be OK!
Wise Message: if you have little ones, get rid of any fox glove plants.........!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

hmmmmmmmm...what to do?

OK, I have so much homework but I really do not want to do it!
I have 4 more units and I will then be done with my legal nursing class...can't believe it has been a year since I started this class.......Now I have to create a website or a folder with legal information that will benefit my co-workers! yikes!
I love law but I have to say that it is difficult to understand all the legal jibberish all the concepts...... and I thought medicine was hard!
I could just get up and walk to town and get a cup of coffee and maybe eat at the hippy-dippy place, they have the best organic and yuppy food...
I can eat another yogurt and do my homework! eeeew! I can sit and read my magazine, Dr Phil has some kind of philisophical advice for someone; that is always fun. I can take a nap but I am so not sleepy.....I can do my homework.......I can text my sister.......God! what the hell? hmmmm.......I think I will do one unit and take the quiz.......ethics....I love ethics.....I can do this......OK......thats it........I will do some homework then I will walk to town........I love it when I have a plan.......I wish the sun was out.......

Where does this path lead too?

Often when I am on a hike and I come across a path such as this, I fantasize about where it may lead too.....maybe there will be a pristine pond with crystal clear calm water, where I will sit and have my lunch and just relax. If I am in the part of my hike where I have walked a long way and I am wondering what possessed me to go on a 7 mile hike, I hope that this path, miraculously leads to the parking lot where my car is, ha!........maybe the path leads to a field of lavender; I love lavender, smells so good, makes you feel so good. Then there are times when I want it to lead to a Starbucks so I can have a latte, no flavor please. Sometimes I imagine that it leads to the garden of Eden, with fruit trees, little ponds with bright orange fish swimming around in it, a carpet of flowers emitting delicious aromas, books littering the garden, wine, sourdough bread and lobster on a table at the end of the garden!.....Most of the time it leads to just another path bringing me back to reality, and reality is usually my aching feet, thirst, scratching my mosquito ridden body and the cursing that goes with that same thought, who's idea was this?....But as in all of the hikes, there is always a summit with an incredible view......and this, my friends is why I do this.....The view usually takes your breath away and takes all your pains away with it........
I took this picture in Knappa Oregon at the hatchery. The hike was 5 miles round trip and to be honest it is the only hike that did not have a summit, it just led to a private forested area.
The hike afforded us (Tim and I), great views of some small waterfalls, beautiful trees and wild flowers, but there was little satisfaction at the end of the trail......and I got my shoes all muddy, but those are the sacrifices you take when you hike!

Monday, July 12, 2010

llife pleasures and how to find them.....

I was reading an article on ways to find more pleasure every day and I got into this mind set and wondered if I was being pleased everyday....I suppose it has to do with what it is that pleases you...The article points out that pleasure is purely an instinctive reaction with a brief life span of 30 seconds ( I assume, such as an orgasm) and this is purely my thought, or up to an hour or two, tops. The article also claims that pleasure is fairly easy to come by (Paul Bloom). After reading the article I had to agree with Paul Bloom, pleasures are easy to come by and they do have a short life span, but they have a way to rejuvenate your spirit. He points out that one of life's pleasures is listening to your favorite song over and over, yes I agree 100 percent because I can listen to "Caress me down" by Sublime, over and over and each time it plays I become more pleased. Another of lives pleasure's according to this author is, petting your dog, any dog, he says, something about physical contact with animals that make the brain's pleasure chemicals go bonkers while the stress chemicals leaveyour body, I guess I agree with this but I get more pleasure is blaming my dogs for everything. It is their fault I am tired, because I have to get up and let them out to pee a be-gillion times a day. I blame them for the so difficult homework I have to do, because they just lay there and get fed and taken care of and do not have to worry about a degree to be top dog, while I toil through umpteen pages of homework to get a degree. I blame them for being fat, yes it is their fault, because they can eat anything, and be happy and not gain weight. I wish I could express such happiness and wag my ass when I see a bone coming my way, oh wait, ha! I do. Regardless, I get great pleasure in transferring all that ails me; to my dogs.

But really, I do have some kind of pleasure on a daily bases, I love when I finish a school project, and that is on a daily bases. I love drinking my new found pear martinis. I love looking through Zappos at all the great shoes, I love getting into bed when I am so tired, I love the sound of the fog horn coming from the river, I love the sound of seagulls, I love taking a great picture, I love watching comedy and I love, love, love spending time alone. I think I am basically happy, which by the way according to Paul Bloom, is a prolonged state of being, influenced by a variety of factors, such as the daily pleasure mentioned above. I wish that orgasms fit in the happy category, you know, a prolonged state of being.........ha!
The picture is that of my Poppies! does this picture make me happy, or just give me pleasure; hmmmmm, something to ponder! what say you?

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I want my cake and I want to eat it!

What is up with that saying? you want your cake and you want to eat too!
Well, yea, if it is my cake I want a piece, duh! So what is wrong with that, I am selfish, I want what Iwant and if I can have it; I will and I will not feel bad about it.
I was laying in bed thinking about that saying because someone recently said that to me when I said something about wanting something..... I thought about it and I decided that there is nothing wrong with wanting.....It is true that you might not get a piece of your cake, but it is not going to be for lack of trying...
Especially if that cake is your favorite kind, hmmmm!
It is sunny today and seemingly warm, I have to work and I suspect because the weather is so nice, that there will be people out there playing in the sunshine and they will get hurt, oh well, job security!
I am in the last unit of my legal nurse consulting class, that I am taking; I can't believe it has been a year ago next month that I started this class. It has been one of the most challanging classes I have ever taken, all the legal mumbo jumbo is mind boggling. I will then have to study for my certification and that is going to take some doing. I am on a break from my Masters program, it has been nice but I am ready to start soon, I can't afford to take too much time, I want to be done with it, I can't say that it has not been nice not worrying about homework deadlines. I made a big mistake in my last class on finance, I was getting an A, easy peasy, then I realized that I had missed an assignment. I totally panicked, it was the week my son came to visit and I did the assignment early, so that I could spend time with him free of homework, well I did not post it. I can't post too early so I just decided to wait until the time I had to post it since it was done, well I forgot and did not discover this for three weeks. I died. I totally died. I was at work looking at my grade and I noticed that I had a C and could not understand why, since all my papers were A's, so I started to look in all my folders and found that I was missing an assignment. I called Tim and had him get on the computer to find this assignment for me, well that my friends is a story to be told, Tim and computers should never meet, ever. It took 3 hours to talk him through it, something that should have taken maybe, 10 minutes. I was all worked up, and had him so upset that I just told him to forget it. I came home at three am and looked for my paper and found it, never posted it, I got a C+ in my class, so fricking upsetting. Not that grades are so important but I have gotten an A in the last four classes so I was having fun challanging myself to continue this pattern; so naturally it upset me. Oh well, I guess I can't have my cake and eat it too!
This picture was taken in one of my many hikes. It is my favorite thing to do, look up and the canopy of trees and take a picture.

Monday, July 5, 2010

The emergency room is not a fast food joint! OMG!

That is right folks, the emergency room is where trained personnel work as a team to try and get you well, maybe even save your life....what a that eludes most people that visit the emergency room with their non-emergent issues. Grant it, sometimes we think we have an emergency so of course we go to the emergency room to have this seemingly emergent issue addressed after all where else can we go and expose ourselves to complete strangers to show them our oozing sores? I get it, it happens but to come in because, you have had a cold for 2 days, a sore on your toe for a week, a bug bite, an early/late period, a fussy kid, I can go on forever with these inane reasons that people visit the ER, but it only gives me a headache and then, I will have to go in to the emergency room. Why can't people think for themselves, and troubleshoot and ache or a sore? At the very least if you are going to come in for your real stupid non-emergency, at least know that you will not be rushed in since there are probably some real emergencies in progress and they are considered priorities in the ER, this folks, is why we have TRIAGE. Do not expect to be taken seriously, do not expect validation for your stupid problem, do not expect the nurse to smile and make small talk with you, because inside the nurse is seething, the nurse wants to hit you over the head with a , sphygmomanometer, wrap the blood pressue cuff around your neck, and stick you with a needle in the eye, hey! now we have an emergency, imagine that! If you are so clueless as to what an emergency room should be used for, google it! learn, become informed.
In all fairness, if you do finally decide that the pain in your left arm or rash on you buttocks which has been plaguing you for a year, is an emergency, then at least come in and know certain important things about yourself, you know, important things such as, what you are allergic too, what medications you take when and why you take them, know your doctors name, when you last ate, pooped and had a tetanus shot! take responsibility for your body and by the way, not all sores are spider bites. A message for those of you that concoct varies complicated but unconvincing plots on ways to get your daily vicodin fix, get a life! We might as well have a drive thru window and hand you your happy meal and an Oscar on your performance!

This picture was taken right near the old bridge in Astoria, it was a beautiful morning with the sun comming through the fog.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

pink pills, blue pills, round pills.......

OK folks out there in the world, please be proactive and learn the names of the pills you take; at the very least write them down on a piece of paper and don't leave home with out it. I do not know the names of all the type of medications, out there; no, it does not help if you describe it or tell me what you are taking it for. I realize that the names of medication are comparable to the names of dinosaurs, regardless it is your responsibility to have a list for your caretaker when you come see us. It is mandatory for us to have a list on your chart every single time you come to see us and it is mandatory that we updated each and every time; but we can't do that if you do not give us that information. We should be able to read minds; that would be so nice, but we do not, we also should have a vat for a bladder and 8 arms, but we don't. Why is it so important to have that list, well, many of your medications do not mix, or contradict other medications we might want to give you, we might even put your life in danger if we mix the wrong ones, that should be enough motivation for you to take responsibility over your own health. This message is for you guys out there, old and young, your significant other is not your mother, be responsible for your own medications. If I am talking to those of you that depend on your mother to know the answer to that nagging little question, what medications do you take if any?, unless you are 10 and under, get a grip, you are pathetic. Now I speak to the females, wives, or mothers, stop enabling your men/children; it is sad. There is a point when we are old enough to wipe our own ass, so why can't we be responsible for our health? think about It. And this message is for the scientist, pharmacist, or whom ever is responsible for making up those ridiculously long and difficult names for medications, really? is there some competition out there to see who comes up with the stupidest, longest and most ridiculous names for those little green pills? and if you must, then why two names? Do you really enjoy the fact that nurses and doctors have to spend a (ginormous) amount of time looking up these names to see if they are the same medication? Give us a break, do you know how long it takes us to help a 90 year old patient to the bathroom? what I am saying here, is that we have better things to do with our time then to figure out if cyclobenzapine is the same as flexeril, is it generic? OK, I think I have made my point.
This picture is taken on the Columbia River from the Rogue Brewery, so frickin fabulous!