Monday, July 5, 2010

The emergency room is not a fast food joint! OMG!

That is right folks, the emergency room is where trained personnel work as a team to try and get you well, maybe even save your life....what a that eludes most people that visit the emergency room with their non-emergent issues. Grant it, sometimes we think we have an emergency so of course we go to the emergency room to have this seemingly emergent issue addressed after all where else can we go and expose ourselves to complete strangers to show them our oozing sores? I get it, it happens but to come in because, you have had a cold for 2 days, a sore on your toe for a week, a bug bite, an early/late period, a fussy kid, I can go on forever with these inane reasons that people visit the ER, but it only gives me a headache and then, I will have to go in to the emergency room. Why can't people think for themselves, and troubleshoot and ache or a sore? At the very least if you are going to come in for your real stupid non-emergency, at least know that you will not be rushed in since there are probably some real emergencies in progress and they are considered priorities in the ER, this folks, is why we have TRIAGE. Do not expect to be taken seriously, do not expect validation for your stupid problem, do not expect the nurse to smile and make small talk with you, because inside the nurse is seething, the nurse wants to hit you over the head with a , sphygmomanometer, wrap the blood pressue cuff around your neck, and stick you with a needle in the eye, hey! now we have an emergency, imagine that! If you are so clueless as to what an emergency room should be used for, google it! learn, become informed.
In all fairness, if you do finally decide that the pain in your left arm or rash on you buttocks which has been plaguing you for a year, is an emergency, then at least come in and know certain important things about yourself, you know, important things such as, what you are allergic too, what medications you take when and why you take them, know your doctors name, when you last ate, pooped and had a tetanus shot! take responsibility for your body and by the way, not all sores are spider bites. A message for those of you that concoct varies complicated but unconvincing plots on ways to get your daily vicodin fix, get a life! We might as well have a drive thru window and hand you your happy meal and an Oscar on your performance!

This picture was taken right near the old bridge in Astoria, it was a beautiful morning with the sun comming through the fog.

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