Monday, July 12, 2010

llife pleasures and how to find them.....

I was reading an article on ways to find more pleasure every day and I got into this mind set and wondered if I was being pleased everyday....I suppose it has to do with what it is that pleases you...The article points out that pleasure is purely an instinctive reaction with a brief life span of 30 seconds ( I assume, such as an orgasm) and this is purely my thought, or up to an hour or two, tops. The article also claims that pleasure is fairly easy to come by (Paul Bloom). After reading the article I had to agree with Paul Bloom, pleasures are easy to come by and they do have a short life span, but they have a way to rejuvenate your spirit. He points out that one of life's pleasures is listening to your favorite song over and over, yes I agree 100 percent because I can listen to "Caress me down" by Sublime, over and over and each time it plays I become more pleased. Another of lives pleasure's according to this author is, petting your dog, any dog, he says, something about physical contact with animals that make the brain's pleasure chemicals go bonkers while the stress chemicals leaveyour body, I guess I agree with this but I get more pleasure is blaming my dogs for everything. It is their fault I am tired, because I have to get up and let them out to pee a be-gillion times a day. I blame them for the so difficult homework I have to do, because they just lay there and get fed and taken care of and do not have to worry about a degree to be top dog, while I toil through umpteen pages of homework to get a degree. I blame them for being fat, yes it is their fault, because they can eat anything, and be happy and not gain weight. I wish I could express such happiness and wag my ass when I see a bone coming my way, oh wait, ha! I do. Regardless, I get great pleasure in transferring all that ails me; to my dogs.

But really, I do have some kind of pleasure on a daily bases, I love when I finish a school project, and that is on a daily bases. I love drinking my new found pear martinis. I love looking through Zappos at all the great shoes, I love getting into bed when I am so tired, I love the sound of the fog horn coming from the river, I love the sound of seagulls, I love taking a great picture, I love watching comedy and I love, love, love spending time alone. I think I am basically happy, which by the way according to Paul Bloom, is a prolonged state of being, influenced by a variety of factors, such as the daily pleasure mentioned above. I wish that orgasms fit in the happy category, you know, a prolonged state of being.........ha!
The picture is that of my Poppies! does this picture make me happy, or just give me pleasure; hmmmmm, something to ponder! what say you?

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