Wednesday, July 28, 2010


I am feeling the pressure, I have a big final to take on Friday, but I work Thursday night and then again Friday morning........
I have started my practicum class yesterday and I really feel a challange coming on. I still do not have mentor that is required from this class and I still do not know how I am going to approach this project............!!!! I have to get a B, to Pass this class, I am so nauseaus.........(I don't think that is a word) but I know it is a feeling at the pit of my stomach that promises to deliver all contents out into the world! yuk!
So this picture was taken on my way to the Rogue bar, it was a wonderful summer day with the sunshine bright and warm, and a cool breeze in the air.........Looking at this picture helps with some of the pent up anxiety I am feeling........Off to work.........!

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