Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I worked the last 3 days and I have to say it was pure hell! The good thing is that I actually saw sick people as oppose to the usual circus crowd that come in for inane emergent reasons...

Today I am just in a real blah, mood. I am starting to wonder what I am going to do with myself when I am done with school, obviously I am hoping to change jobs, I am actually trying to do that now but for some reason it is just not happening..............ok..........I am sighing.......I have a big test I have to do and I just don't feel like it........but I have too because then I will only have two more units and I will be done with this legal class, yippee!

I know I said I would not ever take another class while I am still in school for my Masters, but here I go again...I am scared of being too bored.......sooooo I am going to sign up for a "coding class", what the hell is that? well a class to learn how to code diagnoses as is required by law in order for doctors to get paid by Medicare and Medicaid. This is something good to know for my future goals as a manger........But first I have to pay the 2 thousand dollars I owe the University of Kaplan, that will take a few months.

I am so having a hard time staying focused today.........I am hungry for a intelligent conversation with someone.......instead I think I will take my test then go for a long walk to see Tim and have lunch........That sounds fabulous! good by!
The picture was taken on my hike at the hatchery, it is a picture of a fox glove plant, which by the way is poisonous! These plants were used by herbalists for medicinal purposes such as to regulate and strengthen the heart.
According to the University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension, "The name foxglove is from the old English name "foxes glofa." It comes from an old myth that foxes must have used the flowers to magically sheath their paws as they stealthily made their nocturnal raids into the poultry yards of rural folk. The association is natural for the foxgloves grew on the wooded hillside slopes that foxes chose for their dens."
ER Story: I once took care of two kids that ate the "nectar" as they put it, of these plants. They had to have blood tests and spend several hours hooked up to the cardiac monitor as well as eat ice cream with charcoal to make sure they were going to be OK!
Wise Message: if you have little ones, get rid of any fox glove plants.........!

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