Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I want my cake and I want to eat it!

What is up with that saying? you want your cake and you want to eat too!
Well, yea, if it is my cake I want a piece, duh! So what is wrong with that, I am selfish, I want what Iwant and if I can have it; I will and I will not feel bad about it.
I was laying in bed thinking about that saying because someone recently said that to me when I said something about wanting something..... I thought about it and I decided that there is nothing wrong with wanting.....It is true that you might not get a piece of your cake, but it is not going to be for lack of trying...
Especially if that cake is your favorite kind, hmmmm!
It is sunny today and seemingly warm, I have to work and I suspect because the weather is so nice, that there will be people out there playing in the sunshine and they will get hurt, oh well, job security!
I am in the last unit of my legal nurse consulting class, that I am taking; I can't believe it has been a year ago next month that I started this class. It has been one of the most challanging classes I have ever taken, all the legal mumbo jumbo is mind boggling. I will then have to study for my certification and that is going to take some doing. I am on a break from my Masters program, it has been nice but I am ready to start soon, I can't afford to take too much time, I want to be done with it, I can't say that it has not been nice not worrying about homework deadlines. I made a big mistake in my last class on finance, I was getting an A, easy peasy, then I realized that I had missed an assignment. I totally panicked, it was the week my son came to visit and I did the assignment early, so that I could spend time with him free of homework, well I did not post it. I can't post too early so I just decided to wait until the time I had to post it since it was done, well I forgot and did not discover this for three weeks. I died. I totally died. I was at work looking at my grade and I noticed that I had a C and could not understand why, since all my papers were A's, so I started to look in all my folders and found that I was missing an assignment. I called Tim and had him get on the computer to find this assignment for me, well that my friends is a story to be told, Tim and computers should never meet, ever. It took 3 hours to talk him through it, something that should have taken maybe, 10 minutes. I was all worked up, and had him so upset that I just told him to forget it. I came home at three am and looked for my paper and found it, never posted it, I got a C+ in my class, so fricking upsetting. Not that grades are so important but I have gotten an A in the last four classes so I was having fun challanging myself to continue this pattern; so naturally it upset me. Oh well, I guess I can't have my cake and eat it too!
This picture was taken in one of my many hikes. It is my favorite thing to do, look up and the canopy of trees and take a picture.

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